Expedition to Soul

“who you are is hidden beneath all the LAYERS
of who you were told you should be”
– The Sisters Enchanted

As I’ve mentioned before in [Awakening], I have been on a journey to self-discovery since I spiraled from a severe PMDD breakdown in 2020. I may have come to find myself, for the most part, but I also know that one can never stop working on themselves – especially when it comes to leading/living a life of intention; because by leading with intention in everything you do, it’s easier for you to get to where you want to go. Your intuition grows and understanding what -is- for you and/or -not- for you, gets faster and easier to determine.

This past week I took part in something called, Expedition to Soul, put on by The Sisters Enchanted. Expedition to Soul was a 5 day “quest” to [self]. TSE describes a -quest- as, “a journey toward a specific goal. There are often obstacles that need overcoming and sometimes villains to defeat. Often there are twists and turns along the way that ultimately reveal the truest purpose of the quest.” It kind of reminds me of {The Fool’s Journey} in tarot. The Fool’s Journey is a metaphor for the >journey through life<. Each -major- arcana card stands for a stage on that journey, the phases and trials you’ll face; the experiences that a person must incorporate to realize their wholeness.

Sara Walka, the founder of The Sisters Enchanted, said it best when she said, “Before any great quest, there is the sensation of something building. A call to change, a series of events that primes us for a grand adventure, or a knowing that the next version of you lies on the other side of an expedition to a place yet to be determined.” <- Seriously, truer words have not been spoken, especially when on a self-discovery journey! Going into ETS my intent was to better understand and trust my intuition as well as perceived signs. I knew that I was going to face barriers and boundaries and mapped out what that may have looked like for myself, as a visual. However, as mentioned above, just because I went into this quest thinking one thing, doesn’t mean that was the quest I ended up on.

Day 1 was about reclaiming your energy, cutting the webs attached to everything and anything you’ve ever encountered. Coming back to you, just you – yourself. I never realized how much of my energy was weighed down, connected to everyone and everything else. I mean, I know I’m an empath but I never knew that “recharging” wouldn’t truly revive my energy on its own. The visualization activity was absolutely freeing!! There was an additional healing meditation that I felt was a bust for myself; I woke up shaking and freezing halfway through and planned to revisit the replay later. Although, about a half hour later I fell into an unexpected two hour nap. Clearly my body/mind/spirit wasn’t done with the -healing- aspect from the [botched] meditation and figured out its own way to release whatever it was that was needed. I woke up from that nap feeling as I normally would after a successful session! It was definitely an odd sensation because I’ve never actually woken up midway through a guided meditation before, I felt so energetically sick and off. I was relieved after waking from my nap, feeling as I had expected to feel from the meditation. I do however still plan to revisit the replay and try again.

We were also supposed to take a mini [pilgrimage] if able to. A pilgrimage is typically a journey to someplace of sacred or spiritual significance. However, that location is -your- location, the place YOU feel is sacred or spiritual for yourself. Leading up to this week my goal was always to drive myself to this little beach where I go to recharge. That would have been two [major] steps for me; driving there and going alone! Unfortunately life has a way of keeping you in check. Not only had my car been broken and wasn’t back from the shop until Monday afternoon, it also decided to SNOW here in Michigan, at the end of April, after it was in the 70’s the week before! I then figured I’d try later in the week but unfortunately my youngest was home sick from school Tus-Fri. I made it a >goal< to drive myself to this location and I am-not- giving it up, it’ll just be on my own time instead of during this particular quest!! So instead of getting to the lake, I headed out to my sunroom with a mini heater, because the sunroom has always been my place for {zen} at home. Unfortunately it’s not insulated so it gets too cold during the winter and too hot in the summer to spend full days out there. However, I was reminded this week that I definitely need to spend more time out there on a regular basis!

Day 2 was about assembling your allies and taking the step to be “all in.” The thing about allies though is that [no one] can be a better ally to you, than yourself! I know that may sound ridiculous, especially to those of us who have faced past trauma and often self-sabotage. But see, you needed the past versions of you to bring you to your present self, who is then in charge of shaping what your future versions will look like. Instead of running, hiding, or whatever else you may do to forget your past, you need to embrace it and appreciate it. It may not be easy but it’s necessary in order to become the best version of yourself, though it will definitely require some -shadow- work. I used magazine cut outs to form a collage of who I was, am and want to be. I also used my ‘Heal Yourself Oracle’ deck and chose the cards: Self-Sabotage for my past, Healing and Discover your life’s purpose for present and Phoenix Rising for my future.

We were also tasked with conjuring up a ‘spell’ or ritual  for ourselves to help shed whatever it was that we needed to leave behind, so that we could fully commit to receiving whatever it was that we needed to receive on this quest. Seeing as I am a visual person, I made up a body scrub to help me visualize the [shedding] of whatever it was that was preventing me from being the best version of me that I can be. And let me tell you, I understand why putting different ingredients together and saying some words for intention, while using said mixed ingredients, is considered >witchcraft< …  it was a downright [magical] experience and so, so freeing! Ha. If you don’t want to take my word for it and/or want to try it yourself – here is the ‘spell’ I came up with:

The best me I can be: “Today I bring together my past, present and future selves, to allow myself the courage to rise above and release what’s holding me back, to move forward with joy and prosperity, believing in myself, trusting my intuition and continuing to be the best me I can be. And so it’ll be.”
2 TBs of pink Himalayan salt
2 TBs of sugar
2 TBs of grapeseed oil
Essential oils:
4 drops of Joy
5 drops of Valor (for courage)
2 drops of Rise Above
2 drops of Release
3 drops of Believe
Stirred with a cinnamon stick (for prosperity) 3 times to right for intent while repeating, “and so it’ll be!”

Day 3 we worked on continuing to challenge ourselves despite the discomfort. To  [enter the cave] not knowing what will be on the other side. This is where the shadow work comes in. Everything in life has a light side as well as a dark side, the dark being the shadow. Light is what brings us strength while shadow is what gets in our own way. When it comes to astrology there are always two sides to every sign. There is a WHOLE heck of a lot that goes into astrology when it comes to the different signs, houses, planets, etc. I’m not going to get into it all but one thing to look at when facing your shadow, is your {Moon Sign}. Your Moon Sign is different from your Sun Sign, which is your main sign that you’d look at for your horoscope. And for those who don’t believe in astrology and horoscopes, that’s perfectly okay! I mean, how could everyone born between x and x day have the exact same horoscope, right? They can’t and don’t… which is why I said there is a whole heck of a lot that goes into it, and once you understand your birth chart better it really does then fall in line and make sense.

You have your Sun Sign – your identity, your Moon Sign – the soul behind your identity, and your Rising Sign – your social personality. 
The [Sun Sign] is the essence that you shine out into the world. It is how you answer the question “I am”; how you experience life and express your individuality.
The [Moon Sign] represents your subconscious and is the force behind your emotional reactions. It’s what allows you to feel joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, and gives you insight on how to restore and nurture yourself.
The [Rising Sign] (also called Ascendant) represents your physical body and outward style, the manifestation of both your inner and outer world.

Horoscopes are just a generalization and not the true root of astrology. Literally everyone, depending on their chart, can have a bit of any sign’s characteristics. Thus is why people often brush off astrology and horoscopes. BUT! Once you understand it better, you may not feel the same skepticism as you once did!! It really is fascinating.

I am a Pisces (Sun) so I am motivated by deep emotional desires and recharge through emotional experiences. <- makes sense given how Day 1 went by reclaiming my own energy. I am a Sagittarius (Moon) so I react to changing experiences with direct action and excitement. I feel the most aligned and balanced when I am expressing confidence, ditching negative self-talk and showing my strength. <- again, SO true; look at where I am today from where I was! And I am a Cancer (Rising) which means that I am sensitive, empathetic and easily influenced by my environment. I approach life by being deeply rooted in my emotional body. <- uh, yah think?! Anyone could have told you that…

Anyway, looking at my signs, focusing on my shadow brings me back to the [dark] side of Sagittarius; and for me that’s seeking experiences and freedom for emotional security. Because Cancer and Pisces feel {so deeply}, I tend to escape, shut down, build a wall and become numb when emotions get to be too much. I subconsciously feel as though I need to run, get out of where I’m at and -do- something, anything, other than be with my feelings, because I am with my feelings all the damn time! Being a double water baby it’s no wonder my heart is on my sleeve! Getting to know and understanding your shadow will show you why you react the way you do in everyday life, you are able to see it for what it is, and gain >control< back for yourself! Rewrite the narrative, you survived x and are stronger because of it.

Day 4 took me some time. I regrettably didn’t finish on time because there was just too much going on, which also set me back for day 5. Just prior to Expedition to Soul there was a 21 day self care challenge that I completed. It was the very first time I have ever completed a challenge, doing every day on its intended day. That was [major] for me, so I did feel a little defeated when I got behind for days 4 & 5. But as I’ve learned and came to realize, with the help of The Sisters Enchanted community, everyone is on their own journey – on their own time!

So day 4 we were asked to do two visualizations (similar to mini meditations). The first one was to envision our future selves. Now that we had done the shadow work, faced the unknown and allowed ourselves to truly feel and be with our emotions. Now that we had worked on understanding the [why] we did certain things, how did we envision using our new ‘tools’ to help us moving forward? Honestly? I fell asleep attempting this one, twice… I was explaining this to my cousin, Sara and she pointed out that I saw myself well rested. Ha. All about perspective, right? However, just prior to falling asleep, and almost every other future visualization I’ve done, I see myself wrapped up in a cozy blanket, on a comfy bench or chair, by the lake at dusk with a mug of something warm to drink. I see us either moving to a smaller town with a smaller, older home right on the water – or we make it a tradition of renting a home and/or AirBnb annually. Being on/near the water has always been my go-to for comfort, my peace, my slice of ‘heaven’. You know, that whole {mermaid} soul and all.

The second visualization was to envision a talisman for yourself, a physical object to remember what this week revealed to you; to have the visual of the intention of where you want to be. Although, it’s not so much about knowing the answer of where you want to be, but rather supporting yourself as you move forward. It’s about the connection to your object. The feeling it gives you, the reminder it gives you, cultivating a way of being. The future visualization was to help us figure out how we [want] to -feel- and this talisman is to represent and remind us of that feeling, to help us get to where we want to be. On day one I was drawn to my raw emerald stone. I have never actually worked with emerald but I couldn’t put it down. That night I placed it on my nightstand and it stayed there all week. The second I started the visual activity the image of my emerald stone on my nightstand came to mind. As I continued listening to the guided visualization, it kept popping back into my mind. I knew then that this stone was meant for this quest and the perfect thing for a talisman!

Except, it didn’t feel complete. As I continued the visualization an old antique key came to mind. It reminded me of when I first fell in love with old houses, on the water. My grandfather had rented a house on the water one summer. That was the first time I saw a real {skeleton key} and have been fascinated by antique keys since! <- DUH! Of course an old key goes with the emerald – it’s literally a perfect combo for this specific talisman and this particular quest! But, what do I tie them together with? It only took a second and my heart (intuition?)  knew exactly what was needed. Growing up I took my -baby blanket- with me quite literally everywhere! My > Te-Te <! As the years went on and it started falling apart, both of my parents put away a piece knowing that one day I would want it as a keepsake. Obviously being the sentimental water baby that I am, that is as much a ‘duh’ as is [fuck yeah]! My Te-Te was everything to me, as well as my Teddy from [08. Auntie]. Until I almost lost Teddy on my honeymoon, that bear went on every vacation with me! I cut a piece of my Te-Te and wore it as an anklet at my wedding, so it is -only- fitting that I used some string from the “blanket” to secure my emerald to the old key!

Day 5 was reflecting on the week as well as learning the Five I’s, and seeing how we actually used them over the past 5 days. The Five I’s are TSE’s five steps towards having a “magical, intentional, soul-led life”. You start with your Intention. Then you Integrate your intentions into your current selves and lives. Next comes Insight from doing the hard (shadow) work by looking deep within to what’s blocking you. Then you Ideate by piecing together the different ideas and concepts you want for yourself and creating a way to ‘enchant’ your everyday life. Which then brings us to Intuit, using your intuition to know what is best for you and your own lives. The more you use the Five I’s the easier it’ll get to see what’s right for you and you’ll be able to live without unnecessary guilt. The >real< you is often hidden behind all of the -layers- of who you were led to believe you [should] be.

One of my biggest takeaways from working with The Sisters Enchanted is that it’s okay to want more, it’s okay to step into your authenticity, and it’s okay to do life differently! Initially I wanted ETS to help me better understand and trust my intuition and perceived signs. Originally as the week went on I didn’t think that was happening. But as I sat there reflecting I realized that maybe it did to some extent… I still don’t completely understand but I start to feel this excited flutter in my chest when I think of certain things, almost as though it’s my body showing me the [Queen of Wands] yelling, “yaaassss girl!!” If anything I am noticing my confidence and belief in myself because I can feel the possibilities out there. I am no longer feeling caged or defined by my health. I am just so happy and filled with excitement for what’s to come. All week as I took the time to work on my quest I lit the same candle reciting, “this is for my health, happiness and being the best me FOR me!” I finished my quest by dancing it out to Katy Perry’s “Roar” with my new affirmation:
{I am NO longer holding myself back!}


Twice Exceptional

“If you have an argumentative or defiant child be proud that they: are practising skills for becoming a confident leader; feel safe enough to express their views; often have advanced reasoning and logic skills; and are passionate about their points of view.” 
– Dr. Lucy Russell

Twice Exceptional, or 2E, is a term used to describe gifted children with the potential for high achievement, while also dealing with neurodivergent disabilities. Some of these disabilities may include specific learning disabilities (SpLD), speech and language disorders, emotional/behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, autism spectrum, or other impairments such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”

Both of my kids are considered 2E. They are both gifted but have different “disabilities”. <- I use quotes there because for some reason calling these “disabilities” makes my skin crawl! Leighton lightly falls on the ASD spectrum, has extreme ADHD with behavioral outbursts and severe anxiety. Where as Kellan has dealt with severe speech articulation/phonological process disorders. I myself am 2E but you know, like I was told in school, “Your IQ level is too high. It may be hard for you but you’ve learned a way to overcompensate and make it work.” [07. Ode to my Mentors] In the link above it even mentions that “giftedness is often overshadowed by disabilities, or these students may be able to mask or hide their learning deficits by using their talents to compensate.” – Yup, that was me. And the struggle was real!

I am SO thankful that we have the pediatrician that we do, as well as are in the school district that we are. SO far – they have done a great job meeting the kids’ needs! Kb has an actual iep from early intervention but we haven’t needed to set one up for Leighton, yet. I’m sure the day will come, esp. with middle school around the corner and all the added stressers that brings. He will be 9 when he starts 5th grade, is currently supposed to ride the middle school bus to 6th for math before being bussed back to elementary – but he’s taking a placement test and may end up in 7th grade for math insead. My 9 year old in a classroom of 12-13 year olds? Idfk about that!!

Having a gifted child has its challenges. As does having a neurodivergent child. Add the two of them together? I don’t think anyone could understand unless they themselves have experienced it. And even then, each child is different but there is definitely a deeper level of understanding among 2E parents. I didn’t realize how much more difficult it was until I met another 2E parent! I am SO [thankful] for her and luckily our boys are the same age! Unfortunately they are in a different school district and haven’t been as fortunate with accommodations. 🙁 BUT! Michigan is a ‘school of choice’ state and luckily for her son, he’ll be attending a different school next year where he’ll hopefully get the chance to thrive! ::fingerscrossed:: I honestly can’t wait to hear how it goes because it’s not only for gifted children, it’s a public school and therefore – FREE!! We have looked into private schools for Leighton, but figure elementary school is more for his -social- needs and we’ll see how the district does in middle school. We just can’t see paying tens of thousands of dollars for elementary school. Hell, I don’t know how we’ll do it, shall he need it at all, especially if they both do! It’s ridiculous how much getting an education costs, and don’t even get me started on college…

Leighton has been nothing but go, go, go since before he was born! He has always had his own timeline, it just so happens to be way beyond his years – an [old soul] as they say. He came out screaming and never stopped. Kidding, kind of. ::notkidding:: My pregnancy with him was hell! I was nearly bedridden the whole time. At 6 months I was hospitalized for a week due to my kidneys being taken over by stones; literally – doc said he’d never seen it so bad and it took me the next 3 years to pass them all. (Ha, just like my gallbladder. By the time I had emergency surgery to remove it, it was only working at 1%; usually they try to remove them if they’re only working around 25%! The surgeon took pictures because he had never seen anything like it. Yay me! ::MoreLikeWhyMe::) When I was 33 weeks pregnant my resting heart rate, while lying down, was in the 160s! That alone was hell! Luckily I didn’t have to suffer too much longer as Leighton decided he was done waiting to be born. At 35 weeks, 5 days he made his debut at 6lbs 11oz & 19.5in.

I had a really hard time adjusting as a new mom, as Leighton never slept more than 15 minute increments during the newborn stage. I also had a c-section and wasn’t cleared to do the stairs regularly until 12 weeks, so I either slept on the couch or a blow up mattress. He was hospitalized at 4 months due to RSV and his lungs have since been compromised and prone to developing pneumonia easily. He had such severe reflux (as well as a severe gag reflex) that he basically lived in a bib for the first year and a burp cloth became a permanent fixture upon my shoulder. Two different gastroenterologists suggested Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE), which is an allergic condition that happens in the esophagus; the esophagus becomes inflamed and does not contract properly. It can get narrowed and develop rings or abscesses. [Sidetrack: I find irony in the two E’s] He was diagnosed as failure to thrive twice but after getting scoped even his GI doc was surprised that he did not show signs of EE!! Due to his gag reflex and top lip tie he couldn’t latch well for breastfeeding, so I exclusively pumped for 4 month and used special bottles that mimicked the breast, in hopes that he’d be able to latch one day. Which he did around 4 months and I nursed him for 15.5 months! Around a year old he wasn’t handling table food and ended up in OT for eating. Turns out his tongue was underdeveloped. At 12 months he experienced his first involuntary “breath holding spell”. A month later he experienced another but it was unlike any other he’d experience going forward. Let me tell you, having to give your own child CPR to then witness a seizure is without question one of the scariest moments you’ll ever encounter!

Involuntary breath holding spells are apparently a common phenomenon. Except, Leighton always has to go above and beyond and happened to be the worst case his pediatrician has ever encountered, as well as the neurologist’s. [Yes, we are that -(un)fortunate- to have such terrible luck, and no, I am not exaggerating when I tell you something was the “worst” according to our doctors.] There are usually tips and tricks you can do to get your child to breathe again, such as: blowing in their face/mouth, spritzing them with water, a loud toy (squeaky) noise – kind of like a shock to bring them out of it. Leighton however, never came to before passing out. Once he was going into a spell, literally nothing worked until he [came to] after losing consciousness. Kellan had his first episode when he was 3 months and let me tell you, his spells were so much worse than Leighton’s {in the moment}, however, I can count on my hands the number of times it happened to Kb. Leighton? Leighton was having episodes upwards of 10x a day+!

Any 2E parent knows how explosive their child’s behavior can get. The kid knows what they want but are too young to emotionally regulate logic. Leighton knew his alphabet, [both] upper and lower cases, by 18 months old. I don’t share that as a brag, I share that to give you an understanding of how mentally a head he was, while still barely being a toddler. Emotional development is still something he’s working on at 9 1/2; and it’s exhausting to say the least! So, we had to give in to him and try our best to not upset him, because he could flip like a switch and end up turning blue and passing out. It was terrifying to experience but after a while it became so normal that I didn’t even fret or try to prevent it. No use stressing over it knowing there really wasn’t anything I could do.

The neurologist discovered that his brain ferritin iron levels were low. He had to have special iron panel tests monthly because normal blood work showed normal levels. Yeah – getting a toddler’s blood drawn monthly is as wonderful of an experience as you’d imagine… ::SideEyesofSarcasm:: Treatment? Straight up liquid iron twice a day. Bleh, I legit gag just thinking back to those days! I really wish I would have written down some of the recipes because, I made some bomb smoothies back then to mask the flavor and get his nutrients in!! That was the -only- way I could get the iron into him, twice a day, and even then it took a while to find what really worked to hide that horrifying taste!! We went from 10+ times a day for a few months, to maybe 10 times a month for about the next 9 months. As he got older they slowed and his last one happened when he was about 3 ½ . Only then he replaced passing out with throwing up. His outbursts mimicked The Exorcist, each and every time, until he was about 7. There was no reasoning with him, he’d get so fixated that we couldn’t talk to him. There were times it truly felt that our child was possessed, it was so bad! We don’t believe in physical punishment but there were times it was [hard] to control the desire to just shut him up!

JUST as covid shut everything down, he was supposed to start therapy. Then no one would do virtual visits with him alone because he was only 7. It took a LONG time to finally find someone, and that was only after I was in contact with the school’s social worker a -few- times, practically begging. She finally made it possible because she personally felt that, [and I quote from her email] “a more intensive intervention may be more beneficial for him” instead of her doing Zoom calls with him. Uhm, I am aware he needed “more intensive intervention” but no one would take him on. That’s why I turned to the school’s social worker… for her to just say, {yeah, no.} We may have gotten him in but she could only see him every other week. Once in 14 day was not nearly enough. How can he learn proper coping skills from a professional if said skills couldn’t be reinforced regularly? Trust me lady, I’ve tried and suggested it all. When you’re dealing with a 2E child, with his level of ADHD and Anxiety, we as parent’s need help, too! She did give me a compliment that I have been doing everything right so that was reassuring but, man. It got to the point it felt like we were wasting time and money because she never got to see the [true] Leighton until the very -last- visit! He is so good at masking himself in public, which is that much more frustrating. I understand that this is his home, his safe space, but for us to be constantly met with the behavior we were, the “I don’t knows” and “I can’ts” for every excuse, we were at a total loss.

I -know- how hard it is for him living the way that he is. He hates it! He’s made remarks that he doesn’t “want to live like this.” And while I certainly don’t blame him, as a parent, that’s a very real, very scary thing to hear!! Igor and I have always been concerned about his mental health, especially as he gets older, which is again why we tried getting him help early. The kid would piss himself without giving any fks and would stay in his clothes. He legitimately didn’t care. He also never takes responsibility for himself, everything is always someone else’s fault. He even disassociates his brian/body from himself. “It wasn’t his fault, it’s his brain’s fault.” ::jiminyFreakingcrickets:: She obviously couldn’t tell us what they discussed, but she was very serious in that he [knows] what he’s doing! She didn’t believe that he really needed therapy at that point because until he is willing to listen, and {want} to change the way things are, there is no point. He is so black and white that if you say the -wrong- thing, he no longer listens to what you’re saying until he can correct you, and then claims he was never told xyz. She doesn’t believe that he wants things to be different bad enough, otherwise he’d be making the effort. Of course she wasn’t trying to tell us how to parent, but that he is [stable/safe?] enough for us to start “cracking the whip”, figuratively speaking.

So yeah, one of the fun things we learned about 2E children is that they are – MaSteR- >manipulators<!! Don’t get me wrong, they still struggle which is why he is medicated. BUT! They understand their conditions enough to know how to use them to their advantage. And let me tell ya, it’s been a fucking exhausting 9 ½ years!!!

Dearest Cuz…

“Accept the fact that some people didn’t intend to let you down. their best is just less than you expected.”
– Thema Davis

This entry is taking a little break from the norm. It is a more personal letter to someone, should they ever cross its path. It will come across as very vague to you unless you know the story, which respectfully is not my story to tell. I may have the new found confidence to blog (or pitch an article to the Huffington Post <- yeah; about that::NervousSideEyes:: ) but I just don’t have what it takes to send this letter myself, atm. I just needed to get it out.

Dearest Cuz,

I have so many things to say and no idea where to begin. It’s probably why I haven’t written to you yet. I’ve been told that I should share my feelings but I have been too bitter. Hurt. Angry. And probably even in denial over the sadness.

What could I possibly say that hasn’t been said before? What could I possibly say that won’t piss you off because you’re tired of hearing about it? What could I possibly say to keep your attention, to read through the anger that may arise? How about my feelings? Will my sharing my -own- feelings [matter enough] for you to “hear it again” but from a different angle? Enough to push past and actually get to the other side of what I need to say? I do certainly hope so, as I believe you have been terribly mistaken about things.

I know that you need help and have emotional issues to work through. I don’t say this bluntly to be harsh, I say it because it’s true; it needs to be said. I love you. I always have and always will, but I have a lot of feelings over various things that do tie together, while at the same time being entirely different. I know as with an addict, mental health also falls in the realm of, “you can’t help them until they’re ready to help themselves.” You are not well. I know you know this, but I also know that you’re not willing to do [everything] you can to actually get the help you need. I just pissed you off, didn’t I? I’m okay with that because it’s the truth. You claim you have tried, you claim that nothing will ever work, you claim that by moving forward you are sacrificing your own mental health. You used to also claim that family meant everything to you and that you would do anything for your family. Let me ask you… if one of those claims can change, why can’t the others?

Your own mental health is very important, I completely respect and validate that! I -know- that you are not well, but where I struggle to understand is why you have alienated yourself due to your own false narratives? Yes, I know mental health is complicated but by creating your own misconceptions, you’re not only hurting others, you’re hurting yourself that much more!! You didn’t give others the chance to be Switzerland, therefore it is not fair to play the victim! I was one of the “others” that you made the decision for. And it hurt. It still hurts. The hurt led to anger, and not addressing it allowed the anger to grow beyond myself and my own feelings. You made that choice, you caused it to happen.

Growing up we were like best friends. In fact, it was me and our relationship that your inpatient therapist believed was vital for your mental health. That you needed me in your life to get better. You were a member of my birthday party, yet you haven’t wished me a “happy birthday” in 5 years. The only time I ever hear from you (which is literally less than once in a blue moon) is when you’re complaining or need my help with something. Even then, never once do you ask how I or the boys are doing. I heard that my vague FB status, that just so happened to be on your wedding day, really hurt you. I won’t deny that it was about your wedding, but let it be known that it had >nothing< to do with -anyone or anything else- other than ::my own:: hurt feelings by you. Given how close we always were growing up, finding out that you had found your wedding dress via a Facebook status update, stung. Hard. And then to not even be invited to your wedding? Oh man, I can’t even hold back the tears as I’m writing this. I understand you were having something small, but not including me? I can’t even…

So yeah, I did write the following: “I’m too nice to actually follow through with whatever petty ideas cross my mind. I so badly want to act on them but I can’t bring myself to stoop to that level. So, this is my passive aggressive way of saying today is going to be haaaard keeping my mouth shut. But I’ll do it…”  I apologize that you were upset, but imagine if I actually told you my feelings that day; because by that point, the hurt and devastation left me with such anger that I had to say something. I never meant to cause any hardship on your “big day”, which is exactly why I left it so vague.

Where does this leave us now? I don’t know. I don’t know how to fix what has been broken when the piece that broke away doesn’t want to be mended. I’m here if you do ever decide to take that step, and of course I wish you well. By writing this letter, I release the sadness you’ve brought upon me.

All of my best through love and light,
– Jena

17. Strangers

“It’s sad when friends become enemies. but whats even worse is when they become strangers.”
– Hayley Williams

Have you ever had so much you wanted to say to someone but just couldn’t bring yourself to say it; wondering what the point would even be? I have contemplated writing a letter or email for years but I was still in the grieving process, the anger, the hurt, the confusion. Kind of like my letter to Marion [10.Twin Flame] when she disappeared; but something she told me when we reconnected was that she “consciously chose to do so”. Which is true – when someone stops talking to you without explanation [ghosting] and you’ve tried conveying your feelings just to be met with silence or “I don’t know what to tell you” [gaslighting] – that’s on them, an actual choice they made themselves. Friendships come and go all throughout your life and unfortunately not all friendships are meant to last. People come into your life for a reason when you need them, for whatever reason, and exit when the time is right. Sometimes it’s just mutual disconnect and growing apart, other times it’s out of nowhere and one sided. And yeah it hurts like hell when that happens but honestly, it’s their loss! Sadly I guarantee that everyone has experienced something along those lines a time or two+x and it (always) leaves you insecure, wondering what you did. Am I Right? But here’s the thing, [you] didn’t do anything!!

If someone walks away without explanation and completely ghosts you, they themselves have their own issues to work through. Which, okay that’s fine I can accept, but where I find xtreme annoyance (even anger) is when they’re hypocrites, as they themselves have been through it and needed (your) comfort over how much it hurt. Isn’t the {golden rule} to -treat others- the way -you- want to be treated?! If you didn’t like the way someone treated you, why do the same thing to someone else? Oh, that’s right, people only truly care about themselves. My bad! <- Obviously not everyone, but if the pandemic has done anything, it’s shown people’s true colors of straight up selfishness!

So where does this leave me? I was initially just going to write a straightforward letter and leave it here but then I realized that I actually had two people to write about. I planned to leave the letter with the thought that maybe one day they’d come across it. While the other I was going to give the nitty gritty. I think that I’ll save the letter for another entry and discuss a loss that really cut deep, leaving awkwardness in its wake…

Pattie could have gone under both childhood friends and friendships pt 2. We met when I was 11 and she was 21. She was a waitress at one of the restaurants [08. Auntie] and I frequented oh so often. Over the years she became like an older sister to me and another niece to Auntie, she was family. I saw her more than I saw most of my real family, let’s be honest. I mean, she shared pictures of her breast reduction right there while sitting in a booth next to me. Haha.

For my 14th birthday my friends and I had dinner at her restaurant even though she worked day shifts. She surprised me and brought me a beautiful watch for a gift. She was also a cheerleader in high school [06. HS/Diagnosis] so when I had my very first game, she showed up in the stands with a really cute megaphone lamp for me. When I turned 16 she had someone dress up in the restaurant’s mascot costume and dance around singing happy birthday to me – nothing to be embarrassed about, right? Yeah… I was probably just as red as the costume! She came over while I was getting ready for prom. Her sister and I were 20 & 18 at the time, so she made sure the club we went to for her bachelorette party would allow us in. Igor was in Israel at the time so she took me out for my 21st birthday, bought my first legal drink and bottle of wine. It was funny because by that time she was the manager so when I [didn’t] get carded she was pissed even though we weren’t at her restaurant. At the bar afterwards she made a comment loud enough about being sure to show the bartender my I.D., as he too wasn’t about to ask.<- I don’t know how I should take that? Though I was carded at 32 so I’ll call it even. I was at her wedding and then baby shower for her to then be at my wedding and baby shower. In fact, she even came over the morning of my wedding for a quick hug while I was getting ready. Once I was pregnant she gave me tons of maternity clothes and after finding out I was having a boy, she brought me almost a complete wardrobe from her son. She made the desserts and smash cake for Leighton’s first birthday and brought him back a stuffed animal from Disneyworld when her family went for Christmas. The last time I saw her, in terms of actually hanging out and being you know, friends – was January 2014 when my 9 ½ year old was only 16 months.

So how did we go from her being a part of every major event in my life to [>nothing<]? That’s a damn good question!!! However, here’s the hypocrisy. Her Maid-of-Honor and best friend [ghosted] her! She wrote her a letter and it was brushed off. There must be a MoH curse as it happens far too often. I mean, Marion was mine. However, I’d like to think I broke that curse for Lauren’s wedding [02. Dad & 11. Childhood Friendhsips+] but then again, I was her Matron-of-Honor, not maid. And I’ll be a matron again in my cousin Sara’s – so we’re all good. Oh, speaking of Lauren’s wedding; I know I explained in [02. Dad] that one of the two most memorable fights we had growing up was when she threw a handful of panty liners at me, while simultaneously yelling at me to, “eat pads!” ::classic:: I had already written my speech before she asked me if I was going to include that, I wasn’t. However, what she didn’t know was that I had two panty liners (the same old school, folded up in pink wrapping, like she used 20 years prior) closed in my hand while I was giving my speech. Then at the very end, I ended with, “I only have one more thing to say… Lauren – I love you and please do me a favor… eat pads!” and returned the favor of throwing them in her face. It. Was. The. Best!! Obviously only a select few understood why I did it, but she held it together, not letting herself cry, until that moment. It was probably one of the best ideas I’ve ever had. Haha. Anyway, sorry for randomly going off subject, ADHD is fUn my friends!

Pattie’s son’s 4th birthday was that February and the first of his birthdays that I wasn’t invited to. Her excuse was because the kids invited were older and doing dino digs in sand, she didn’t want us to feel uncomfortable with Leighton so young. Um, okay? Shouldn’t that have been my choice? You’d think she’d give me that option considering how close we were. I really didn’t understand and was hurt. However, Igor mentioned that she may have been “butt-hurt” over a comment I left on a status of her’s. Which, I don’t know if she would have been upset or if maybe she thought she upset me? Idk. She had made a comment about someone using an EBT card (food stamps) at the dollar store while their nails were done and they had an iPhone. I tried to point out that “you can’t judge a book by its cover”. No one really has any idea what is going on in someone else’s life. I understand and agree that people cheat the system, however, just because someone {needs} assistance does that mean they [aren’t allowed] nice things from time to time? I used my mother as an example. Mom is on disability and therefore gets assistance, and obvi Pattie knew this. I pointed out that Mom has a smartphone because she was on a plan with my uncles via their business. My dad and Brian wanted to do something nice for her and got her a Coach wallet one Christmas. Should Mom not carry those things around when she needs to use her EBT card? How is that fair to her? Just because someone sees something from the outside doesn’t give them the right to -judge- the situation…

Was I upset over her comment? No, not really. I was annoyed but by responding with what I did was’t to start anything, it was just shedding light from a different perspective. Playing Devil’s advocate. Over the next few months I’d reach out and see how she was doing, expressed that I missed her, etc. She had recently started a new job around Leighton’s 1st birthday that required a lot of time. I understood that but again, to go from talking all the time and only living 3 minutes away from one another to nothing? She was the one who always wanted to be such a big part of my life! Not that I didn’t want her to be, but you know what I mean. Being older she was the one making the choice to be there for me as I grew up. Around the one year mark of being the only one to reach out and receiving very minimal in return – I finally expressed my feelings. You know that whole “insecure, what did I do” thing that crosses your mind when something like this happens? Yeah, it happened. So I asked if there was anything that I did. I explained how I was hurt and didn’t understand. That I missed her and really wanted to know what was going on/what had happened. I was met with a response as though I was crazy and that nothing happened, she was just busy. Not once did she acknowledge my feelings. Not once did she apologize. In fact her exact words were, “I don’t know what to tell you, I’ve just been busy.” <- yup, definitely felt like a brush off with a side of gaslighting. I mean, posting on Facebook all of the fun adventures you’re having with friends and the kids that you’d normally include me in? Oh, sure. “Busy” I got it.

I stopped making much effort after that. I’d occasionally acknowledge something on Facebook but realistically I didn’t see the point. I was clearly no longer a priority in her life and I wasn’t going to sit around begging for friendship.  I never heard from her. Not until one comment on a picture I posted about a local restaurant that is both an Irish pub and sushi bar, over a year after my blown off attempt at maintaining a relationship. A comment about it being good. Da Faq? When I was pregnant with my second I didn’t tell many people. He was a true, true miracle baby and it just felt right keeping it close rather than sharing. Then we had family/maternity pictures and they turned out >so beautiful< that I ended up sharing them on Facebook because how could I not? I didn’t make an announcement or anything, just shared our latest family pictures. I thought I may have heard from her after that since she had recently made that other comment. Nope. I posted the pictures around 3-4 weeks before he was born. Once he was born I obviously made the announcement and shared his newborn pictures etc. Did I hear from her then? Not even a single “like” on a photo. But you know what she did do? She commented on photos of >MY friend’s< new house. They only met [one] time at Leighton’s FirSt birthday!! When I saw that and it had been a few weeks since sharing all the newborn photos, I was pissed. I was done. It just hurt too much. So I unfriended her.

With our kids being close in age they attended the same elementary school. When Leighton was in kindergarten they had a halloween parade outside and as I was walking to a spot to stand her husband called out, “Hey Stranger!” I was so thrown but politely said hello with a smile and asked how he was. That was that. Fast forward to family fun night the following year, I was walking down the hall holding my youngest’s hand and she turned the corner. I happened to look down because Kb said something but she walked right past me, eyes laser focused straight ahead and acted like she didn’t even know me. COol.. The following year’s “welcome back” meet the teachers event was all the more awkward. Any time she saw me she completely averted all attention, turned away. At one point I was walking and she stopped and turned and stood in the doorway looking into Leighton’s old kindergarten classroom. Her son is 2 years older, so why would she be standing there looking into a kinder room? Uncomfortably ignoring me. She stood there for enough time she thought it’d take me to pass and then turned out of the room. She nearly collided with me but I was looking the other way, excusing myself from bumping into someone walking the other way. It was very obvious but we both ignored it. If she’s going to act like she doesn’t know me for whatever reason, sayonara!

When Auntie first had her stroke I contemplated if I would tell her or not when the time came of her passing. I had over 2 years to think about it but ultimately made the decision not to. I do [kind of] feel bad about it, as they were close at one point, but just like most of the rest of the family- no one seemed to give two shits about Auntie once she got sick that I didn’t care for -anyone- being there that didn’t actually care when she was alone. Am I sad about our friendship being over? Of course… I was. I was mad, confused – you know all of the stages of grief, essentially. Someone I dearly loved and cared about was no longer in my life, of course that’s something to be sad over. I actually had a lot of anxiety over possibly running into her [figuratively] all those years, but when she made it distinctly obvious she was avoiding me, all I could do was laugh. She obviously has her own feelings to work through but I can’t care anymore. She no longer holds that uncomfortable power over me. If she does ever want to talk, I’m here but until then, I’ll choose to remember the good times when I was younger rather than how things played out.

15. Twenty-two

“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.”
-Carl Jung

For those unfamiliar with numerology, the number 2 is associated with destiny, partnership and harmony. Therefore, the number 22 corresponds to great compatibility and thus, a forever kind of love and deep soul connection. Our first date was the 22nd of March, 2008 and the day we got engaged was the 22nd of August, 2009. The engagement happened just after midnight, he couldn’t wait any longer, so while he didn’t [plan] for it to be the 22nd – you know what I’m about to say… you betcha, more synchronicity! Oh, and let’s not forget that 22 has been my lucky/favorite number my entire life.

I kind of get chills writing this because yesterday I was doing a deep dive into Human Design and Gene Keys. (Actually I started down the rabbit hole for Human Design two weeks ago and my brain may have broke.) “The Human Design Theory is a logical system that brings together principles of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. Your Human Design Chart, also called a BodyGraph, is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design.” “The idea of the Gene Keys is that they’re numbered human qualities that get modified based on frequency, or your energetic vibration. There’s a “Shadow” that’s expressed at a lower frequency, while the same quality is expressed as a “Gift” at a higher frequency.” These are also believed to be implanted at birth and are calculated with some of the same principles for human design.

Raise your hand if all of the above just went wayyyy over your head; because at first – same! Like I said, I think I broke my brain. I’m still recovering and haven’t even touched the surface so [don’t!!] feel inadequate for not understanding. I only had to share the above to get to my {next} point. The reason why I got chills is because yesterday was the first time I looked into Gene Keys, had my mapping done and what not, and discovered that my main Gene Key out of 64, is >- 22 -<

– – G-U-Y-S – – – Commmmmme ooooonn!!! Like, I don’t even know what to say after that, about any of it. Except that right after learning that, Kb told me that his lucky number for the day, according to his cheese stick wrapper, was 22…

Synchronicity strikes again! Igor is more of a coincidence man, he doesn’t believe everything happens for a reason. He doesn’t >feel< that, [deep within your soul, every fiber of your being, emotional, spiritual sensation] when you just -know- there’s more to it. You may have heard of the term, “godwink” – that could be and often is used in place of synchronicity for those who believe in a divine intervention, especially when following a prayer.

The next two things I’m going to share could be viewed differently. Some may say that it’s a psychological phenomenon – almost Freudian, as though it’s because of one that draws me to the other. OR it could be viewed as a sign, another synchronicity. While I do understand why someone may think it’s a psychological or even physiological response, I do not!! For starters, I had already fallen before I knew one of these two things… That thing being: Igor wore the same cologne that my father wore when I was a kid. ::scrunchesface:: There was no way I would have known that before we met. Heck, I didn’t even know it until my mom asked Igor what he was wearing when they met for the first time. Which happened to be our second date, he picked me up at the house and brought my mom chocolate!! Um, keeper or kissass? Both? Normally you’d expect the one going on the date to be the one receiving something, however, Igor viewed it as going to my mother’s for the first time so he wasn’t going to go empty handed. SOo, keeper, definitely keeper!

Number 2) My dad and Igor share the same birthday: 5/24. Igor was almost born on his mother’s birthday: 5/26 and our youngest was almost born on his grandmother’s, Papa’s AND father’s: 5/27. Kb being our miracle baby that was definitely not planned! Here’s the thing about May 24th, though. Not only is it my father’s birthday, my husband’s birthday, it was ALSO Brian’s [02. Dad] mother’s birthday. My husband. My father. My father’s husband’s mother. ::chillsright?:: Someone could argue that I was [looking] for “signs”, but let’s be real, you cannot force how you feel about someone! You can lie to yourself and truly believe your feelings, but you cannot control that soul pulling connection. Next argument would be [lust] due to said, “looking for signs”. Lust? Lust is just sexual infatuation, something being demi I do not personally understand. Thank you, next!

Did I really just quote an Ariana Grande song? Possibly. Have I ever actually heard the song? Nope! If it came out after I’ve been a mother, isn’t T.Swift and is not the Wiggles, chances are I’ve never actually heard the song let alone the artist’s name. What can I say, I’m officially >old< and no matter how many times I swore I’d be a “cool” mom… reality sets in, and she’s a bitch. Speaking of getting older, you get forgetful. Yeah, I know you know what I’m talking about! I don’t typically forget much, which is great being that I’m blogging about my life/story/truth, but I do tend to forget if I’ve already shared something. My apologies now if I ever come off as redundant. That said, I swore I’ve already written about something but I just asked Igor and he says that I haven’t, so I’m going with that. Although, his memory may be one of the worst of anyone I know so Idk if I should, but I am. Ha.

If Igor was wrong, you can ignore this next part or take it as a refresh as to why I once again, don’t believe things just -happen- by chance. Anyone who knew me back when Taylor Swift first released music, knows how much I adore and love everything about her. Some hate her music because it’s just her “telling stories”, but uh, isn’t all country music? So she writes about failed relationships – don’t most artists write about what they know? She’s been writing since she was a child, just because she released some old music from diaries past, doesn’t mean she deserves all the hate! Not only that, her song writing skills go beyond what she releases for herself. She’s probably helped write some songs that you’d never realize were her words behind the voice who’s singing them! So [haters, hatin’] back off already! Anyway, with the tangent of my love for T.S. over, let’s talk some more about 22. What song did she release that has kind of become a “cult phenomenon” marking a new milestone birthday? Oh, that’s right – {“22”} – <3

I have been fortunate enough to see Taylor live, twice (some would say that’s nothing but let’s remember those who’d give everything just to see her once, from the nosebleed sections! I am fortunate and I admit that!) Following my car accident [12. Life Detour] and all of the uncertainties I faced, my phenomenal fiance (at the time) bought me tickets for my birthday to see her live for the first time, as an incentive to help me get {though it all} with something to look forward to!! Being that we had no idea about my walking status at the time of purchase, he made sure we were in a handicap location. That location brought me one of the best days of my life! You see, by being in that handicapped location, it led me to -meeting- AND -hugging- (multiple times) my celebrity heroine!! I was in such shock that I just cried and told her how much this meant to me and how much I loved her. Hearing Taylor Swift say, “thank you, and I love you” while giving me a bear hug, might just top every moment, ever. Bahaha. ::JokingNotJoking::

Those tickets – were purchased for my 22nd birthday…


“What if today, we were just grateful for everything”
– Charlie Brown

Today I am in tears, in awe and left without words as I am filled with gratitude! Irony of course being that as a “writer” – blogger, you kind of need words. They are the essence of your work. For 8 years I have been writing my story, on and off, bits here and pieces there. But it wasn’t so much for others as it was for myself. An outlet to work through trauma. An outlet to uncover hidden darkness within my shadow. An outlet just to vent. Of course, the original copy shall probably be burned or buried as I wasn’t so discreet when it came to not exposing the truths of others. As I wrote, I just wrote to get it out. And when I say wrote, I literally mean pen to paper. It’s actually my preference!

I don’t remember what exactly inspired me to start typing everything up, but as I started typing I quickly realized that imminent changes were dyer. And by changes I don’t mean truths in to lies, but rather rewriting in a way that wasn’t so raw and exposing of others. I am an open book, ask me anything and I will share, however, I do respect others rights to their own privacy. Exposing oneself is one of the most difficult things you can do. It causes you to get to know yourself in ways that challenge every fiber of your existence. It’s not easy, it’s not even close to butterflies and rainbows, but it’s what allows you to discover the real you. It allows you to free yourself from any shame you may have felt at a given time!!

By owning your truth, no one else has power over you. You are no longer hiding in fear of what others may think. The important thing is that [you] know who you are and it’s a damn good feeling being free! Don’t get me wrong, I still want to throw up due to nerves for doing this, however, what’s been done is done.

Yesterday I made the big announcement, officially letting everyone know about my blog. Sharing what may have once been my secrets, now truths for the world to see. More or less my announcement meant that everyone I know: past, present and future, will discover more about me than they ever imagined. As you get older and make new friends, it’s not easy sharing your past. Adulting is hard enough; being worried what others may think of your past isn’t worth any self doubt! [Hell, realistically nothing is worth self doubt!!] Your past doesn’t define you, all it is, is previous chapters within your life’s story.

Anyone that knows me knows that somewhere along the way I lost any desire to talk on the phone. As a kid/teen I was always on the phone, now? My own husband gets mad when I don’t answer. If I’m not mistaken I have already explained this but I don’t remember where. Long story short: I get physically ill sometimes just talking on the phone due to anxiety. Due to not believing in myself and that I’ll say something wrong or babble and make no sense. Due to fear of being judged. Due to past trauma that left me broken. Since gaining the confidence and strength to publish this blog, I have noticed that talking on the phone is getting easier. I am able to make important calls without even thinking, where I would once need to ground myself into just the right frame of mind. My cousin joked just last week that, “you know life is wild when Jena calls you on the phone twice in one week.” It was then that I realized I wasn’t as affected by it.

I actually just had a zoom call with a ::complete stranger:: and never once did I feel beneath them. I wasn’t even nervous leading up to the call until just minutes before. I quickly grabbed my Light Seer’s deck and pulled the King of Cups; I was instantly grounded and reminded of my worth! (If you are unfamiliar with tarot, click here to read and learn more about this specific card and maybe you’ll understand how it saved me in the moment!) After that zoom call I was on cloud nine… then broke down.

I am humbled by the numbers I’m seeing today. How many of my friends and family actually took the time to check my website out, even if only to lurk without reading a single post. I cannot begin to explain how astounding it feels knowing that what I am doing is worth it. I have always said that, “if my story can help even just -one- person not feel alone, then I have met my purpose”. This journey of self discovery [in Awakening] has changed me within my core. Between that zoom call, all of the words of encouragement and positive feedback I have received in regards to my blog, >>I am sitting here realizing that I myself, just may even be that -one- person!<<

With hugs, love, light, and many blessings, I thank you!!!

13. Survivor – edited*

“From every wound there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, -I survived.” ― Fr. Craig Scott

I know that I haven’t finished discussing my past with Kevin [09. First Love] but we’re just going to skip forward some. It’s not that I won’t or don’t want to talk about him, I just feel like there’s more to share that explains {why} I am me. Or rather, how I’ve gotten to where I am? I don’t know, whatever.

There are 2 relationships post Kev – well, maybe not exactly -post- but we weren’t “together” and he was away at college getting accustomed to his new life as a freshman basketball player. So what’s the best way to move on? Rebound. Not that I was exactly looking for a rebound but getting to know someone else didn’t hurt in helping me forget about Kevin. Although that relationship may not have hurt helping me get over Kev, it definitely hurt and left its mark for years to come. Here’s a definite altered name because he doesn’t deserve to be called anything other than, Asshole. Our relationship may have only lasted 3 months but it’s amazing how one can emotionally abuse you so much that you’re forever altered after such a short period of time. * EDIT [When you are emotionally abused you do things and put up with things that you wouldn’t normally accept. Emotional abuse can and -often does- lead to other forms of abuse. I choose to use “emotional abuse” as my umbrella term as it’s easier to discuss and how it >often begins<]* How did this happen? My only guess is that I was so vulnerable after Kevin went away to school that my guard and standards were dropped.

*🚫➡️ To better understand emotional abuse please visit: Here
*🚫➡️ If you or a loved one are a victim of domestic violence,
contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for
confidential assistance from trained advocates.

I had only been diagnosed at Mayo [06.HS/Diagnosis] just a few months prior and was still corresponding with my diagnosing doctor via email. All of my important notes, results, suggestions – everything and anything that I needed to share with my doctors back home, teachers, everything – were saved in an important file within my email. In a stunt to show control, Asshole hacked in and deleted EVERYTHING! Not -just- my medical folder, but he wiped clean my entire email account, to nothing… Remember now, I am only 17 at this point and to technically have a yahoo account you needed to be 18 at the time (has that changed?). Not that an 18 year old would know any better how to rectify the situation but my mother got a hold of customer service so fast that even The Flash would have had whiplash! Buuuuut unfortunately there was “nothing” they could do, once things are deleted from the trash, they’re lost within the back hole of cyberspace.

Looking back now, I’m sure Jack could have figured out a way to retrieve everything as his hacking skills are essentially what granted him a free masters degree that lead to some significant cybersecurity jobs. It’s always been a running joke that he actually works for the government but can’t tell us. He gets SO mad whenever anyone mentions it. He may be a phenomenal bullshiter, using words intentionally to go above your head so you have no idea what he’s saying and end up just going with it, but a gut feeling is a gut feeling and this gut feeling says otherwise! Ha, Ha.

Anyway, it was this stunt that got my parents involved and I was finally able to break away from the grips holding me prisoner. I am not exactly sure what happened, I may have a fantastic memory but I’ve certainly tried to block A-hole out, but I do remember him calling me late at night while I was at my dad’s so mad, that my dad took the phone from me – letting this guy have it, threatening to call his parents and tell them everything while also getting a restraining order. He may have been 18 but he still lived at home and had his parents fooled. It only took that one threat for him not to contact me again… until spring break [11. Childhood Friendships+] about 18 months later. I have NO idea how this guy found out, but apparently he joined the military and was stationed in FL at the time I was there. I received a call from a number I didn’t know so obviously I ignored it. Hello!? Who actually answers random numbers from out of state area codes?!?? I then received a text message from the same number that shook me to my core. It didn’t say who it was, but > I knew <. It was something along the lines of how I’m not a child anymore and that since we’re both in the same state, and area at the same time we should get together. That it had been long enough that I [shouldn’t] still be upset and that I was an adult now and didn’t need Daddy to protect me.


See? I meant it when I said it shook me to my core!! I was at the strawberry festival at the time, not somewhere I had even planned on going, it was a last minute thing with Sheri’s parent’s. Nowhere was it posted online, nothing. Wherever we were, it wasn’t far from him and I still get chills when I think about it. How? How did he know? After all that time, new phone number, what? I never responded and as soon as we told Sheri’s parents what was up we booked it out of there! He never tried contacting me again, until he congratulated me via a FB message on my engagement, over 2 ½ years later. Uh, HARD BLOCK! I knew him during the Myspace craze and my FB wasn’t even under my real name at the time. What THE ACTUAL fuck?!!! It’s been 12 ½ years and THANKFULLY the universe has been beside me and I haven’t heard from him since. He lived in Royal Oak, which just so happens to be one of the top locations for adult nightlife. There is so much to do down there even during the day, but I get paralyzed every time I go there. For years, I couldn’t. Even just getting off the exit to go to the Detroit Zoo was the same and caused extreme tachycardia. Has it gotten easier over the years? Yes. Am I still affected each time I head to Royal Oak? Yes. I don’t wish anyone ill, but I also wouldn’t shed any ounce of sorrow or tears if something happened to him.

He broke me.

Which is what sent me to someone SAFE, comfortable. Someone I trusted and truly cared about. Someone who pined over me for years. Someone my mom really cared for even when we were just friends, though she always wanted more for us. Do you remember the time I kissed a guy on the bus, on the 3rd day of freshman year? If not, meet Christopher [09.First Love]. Oh Christopher… See, I [believed] he was someone safe, comfortable and trustworthy; but he shattered my heart. Unbeknownst to me, he was an addict. He too joined the military and leading up to his departure we were much closer and from my understanding, together. This was somewhere around March-May 2006 I believe? His family knew me, I was in contact with his parents (mostly his mama) while he was at bootcamp. I helped set up his welcome home party, was driven to and from said party by his dad and step-mom. They believed I was his gal, until this other girl showed up bouncing off the walls so excited and introduced herself as his girlfriend to everyone… jaw meet floor. The confused looks we all shared, it was almost a pin dropping silence within our own little bubble. At one point his cousin asked who she was, then looked at me and said, “I thought you…” I cut her off and replied, “am the best friend” with a shrug. At one point they left together and when he came back, she was gone. He told everyone he didn’t know why she thought that but that she had left. Other than that, never once did he try to rectify the situation and barely even apologized to me. It took every ounce of strength that I had not to cry.

Later that evening I received an email from his mom apologizing for his actions, that she was in disbelief herself and so disappointed in him. She promised to talk to him and make him get in touch with me. So, even later that evening I received an instant message (ayy A.I.M.!) He just kept apologizing and telling me how much he loved me and was going to make it up to me. Saying all of the right things, right? We only got a chance to talk at night due to work and school/whatever else goes on in the service post bootcamp, oh and a mini deployment. For nearly a year, I genuinely believed in our relationship. He would [half jokingly?] ask me when we were “getting hitched”, even gave me a date; blah, blah, blah. So no, we were never really engaged but from my understanding, rather serious!!

Then one day in November 2007 I got an email blast announcement, announcing and congratulating the newly married couple… Wait, what? Yeah, that’s exactly what I said and thought, too. I was so confused and angry that I sent a message I should have probably waited to send until I had some time to cool off. He of course wrote me back not understanding why I was so upset. That he’d expect me of all people to be happy for him, that he loved me so much, -> wait for it…

[I was like a SISTER!]
Boom! Mic dropped!! I’ll let you digest that for a moment…

Are you fkin’ kidding me? I didn’t even know what to say. This had to have been a joke, right? Like, this isn’t real life. I have hours and hours of saved messages, letters, texts… a sister? GTFO! My mom was just as devastated as I was. I quickly blocked him and refused to talk to him. There was nothing left to be said!!

My heart was shattered. Literally shattered.

It didn’t help that Kevin had started dating a girl, thee girl that caused most of our issues at the end (well not the real, real end, but I guess in a way it was because of her that we are officially no longer in each other’s lives at all, just not at that time). Hello mental rollercoaster, we meet again… Chris’ mom emailed me a few weeks later checking in and seeing how things were going. The nerve, right? No, I get it, she genuinely cared and wanted to see how I was doing, but also why I wasn’t talking to Christopher. So, I wrote her back, attaching just a fraction of the conversations I had saved, but enough for her to see why I believed we were legitimately, seriously, together still. Ha. The ironic thing is, I don’t even know if we were ever really technically together.

If you remember, I mentioned Christopher was an addict, yet I had no idea. His mother called me so fast, so angry and disappointed in him that she wanted more details. She was in complete disbelief. She had no idea her son was even capable of doing what he did. Apparently she let him have it and he tried reaching out because he was confused. All I had to say, or rather show, was the middle finger to my phone as his name appeared. <- I had a bad habit of not deleting anyone’s numbers. ::shrugs:: I didn’t have anything to say to him and ignored all his efforts. BTW that marriage was over within months, maybe even weeks, if I’m not mistaken.

I met my husband about 3 months later with a high, high guard up. But I’ll explain our story another time. After about 8 or so months Chris was going to be in town and really wanted to get together to talk. Having met Igor I was in a better place to try and listen. As I was still ignoring him however, he reached out to me via his mom and I told her that if he was serious, then for him to call me when he was back in town… Yeah, that call never happened. THEN a little over a year later he reached out :again: and firmly made it known that it was imperative that I give him a chance to explain himself. That he had so much to say and that “I more than anyone deserved an apology in person.” Uh… Igor and I were in such a great place that I was conflicted and concerned for his feelings about my meeting up with Chris. Like, this would be the first time in close to 2 years since we’ve actually spoken. I didn’t want Igor feeling concerned or anything but I knew he trusted me and when I asked him permission (and no, of course I knew that I didn’t {need} his “permission” – it was more about showing my respect for his feelings!) he didn’t sound too happy but knew that deep down, I needed this closure in order to really move on and heal. He told me that he’d respect my decision either way but deep down I knew he was on eggshells. Little did I know, the same day that I asked Igor about my getting together with Christopher, was the same day he received what he hoped would be my engagement ring…

We made plans to meet for lunch a few days later. He wanted to come to the house but Mom didn’t think she was ready to see him, given everything. So we planned to meet at a local diner where I waited, and waited, and as it turned out – that day became the first and last time that I have EvEr eaten by myself at a restaurant. Fker stood me up!! Seriously?! I was beyond fuming at this point when I received a call as I was driving home. He called beggggggging me to meet up with him right then, claiming he slept through his alarm because his phone died or something, who the eff knows. I was too weak to say no, and ultimately I’m -glad- that I didn’t, but part of me wishes I was strong enough to have just said, “F.U.”

Igor was right, I needed that closure. I knew that our relationship was progressing but in order for me to fully drop my wall, to be authentically raw and 100% vulnerable in my love and trust for him, I needed this.
I’ll admit, it was hard seeing Christopher at first. He’s always had this charm and charisma about him that no one can withhold smiling back when he smiles at you. I kind of hate him for that, joking::notjoking:: He told me first and foremost that I deserved so much more than an apology, that there are no excuses for his actions and that he hated himself for the hurt he had caused me. He loved and respected me too much, to not apologize and explain himself in person. He knew that nothing he was going to say was going to fix or make things better, and that he would understand if I still held resentment, though of course hoped I wouldn’t. He really wanted to apologize to Mom but he understood and asked me to pass his sincere apologies on to her. It was this conversation where I learned about him being an addict. That he was so messed up in the evenings that he couldn’t recall half of our conversations. Essentially, our entire “relationship” was while he was under the influence and he was basically living a double life without realizing it. You smell bullshit, right? Cause, same! The more we talked, the easier it got to see his side of things and my wall of anti-trust was starting to crumble. That said, forgiving and forgetting are two very different things. I could feel the genuine sincerity behind his words and forgiveness crept in. I told him about Igor and he claimed that he had never seen my face or eyes light up the way they do when I talk about him. He could tell how truly in love I was and apologized that he couldn’t be that person for me. He was thrilled for me because I deserved better and that until he was in a good place with himself, that he couldn’t be that person for anyone; he knew he had a lot of work to do.

Saying goodbye to Chris was easier than expected. We hugged and went our separate ways. I called Igor as soon as I got into my car and started bawling… Ha, I can only imagine what must have been going through his mind at that second seeing as he had just gotten a ring for me days prior. The tears I shed were relief, forgiveness, happiness, hopefulness, and so much more. I was relieved that the weight of all this negative energy was lifted off my shoulders, I was able to forgive and kickstart my healing to truly move on and leave it all in the past, and for that -I was happy-! Most of all, I was hopeful for my future with Igor. Meeting up with Christopher was exactly what I didn’t realize I truly needed. I was at peace; and within just a few short hours:

I was also engaged!!

{I wanted to end this post with that very last sentence, but I felt it necessary to give an update: It took a couple more years but he finally did it! If I’m not mistaken, I believe he recently celebrated 9 years of continuous sobriety. He has since married and had children. Which, of course, is great but honestly? I care more about the fact that he went on to achieve his bachelors degree and then even his masters! He was able to attain his ultimate dream of becoming a professional sports reporter and is currently a director of public relations and broadcasting! I could not be prouder or happier for him and his success!! You know the whole “once you love someone you always will” thing I keep mentioning? It’s true, I do love Christopher; but something  I have come to realize as the years have passed and with the help of therapy, is that after Asshole, I went for safety. Chris had always been special to me, [a true friend], even though he always wanted more for us. I never could love him the way that he wanted/needed, the way that I had loved Kevin or my husband. Maybe deep down he always knew that. While this is speculation, I believe that what transpired could very well have been his own subconscious way of protecting the both of us. It sucked and hurt so much at the time, but looking back, I wasn’t being fair to him to begin with. Maybe that’s why saying goodbye to him was easier than I had expected. Subconsciously I knew that I loved him fiercely, but only ever at arms length as a true friend.}


When you’re tired of, well… everything and you’re stuck in limbo, it’s really difficult staying motivated to be productive. So much planning, so many ducks needing to be lined up exactly in the perfect row, so much packing, so many unanswered questions, so many decisions needing to be made… like I don’t mind doing the above, it’s trying to care to do everything else that’s the problem.

I hate clutter, it drives me crazy, overstimulates and triggers my anxiety. I become paralyzed from being overwhelmed due to my ADHD. <- Is it still considered hyperactive as an adult when you certainly don’t have the energy to even think about being hyper? The problem is, no one else seems to be bothered by any of it. So unless I am on top of keeping everything organized and put away, it sits. Until I do it.

I’m exhausted.

I get it, my husband works all day and he shouldn’t be in charge of everything else, too. We’re supposed to be a partnership, but when I’m sick – he’s on single dad duty and I >know< how much more that adds to his plate. It’s not fair to him, I agree! And he does help out keeping on top of the dishes, garbage and our cat’s litter box on his own, but maybe picking up a dish or cup off the kitchen table when they’re not in use wouldn’t be so bad? Again, I get it, he has so much on his mind for work, bills, trying to maintain my love language’s bucket, etc. that his brain is preoccupied. I get it. I do! But is it really that hard to walk your soda can over to recycling instead of leaving it anywhere else? Or leaving their socks right where they take them off? (Ha. I know most wives feel me on this one! Husband’s too, I’m not excluding any significant others; I just tend to hear more about it from wives. ;-p) And NO, this isn’t a passive aggressive way of harping on him, these are examples of conversations previously had. It should also be noted that while we are a partnership, he is hardwired from generations of “women take care of the household and children” coming from a Russian culture. He absolutely believes it should be a partnership but I am the one home, so when I’m not sick it should be more on me. Again, I agree!!!

Though it doesn’t change the fact: I’m exhausted.

Then there’s the kids who, well anyone who’s had children or been around them for any amount of time, understands how they’re mini tornados that don’t care what they leave in their wake. Kid’s are the worst when it comes to all things clutter. I mean, my oldest has admitted he doesn’t like cleaning his room (what child does?, besides my Lori-Lou [02. & 11.]) as he too has extreme ADHD, so the overwhelming thoughts of where to begin, I understand. However, there is also legitimate truth behind his thriving in the organized chaos he creates.

Just looking into his room, I’m exhausted.

It’s been 2 years of ciaos due to the pandemic and the battles between masks and vaccines. The weather cannot make up its mind so the constant switching of barometric pressure causes any dysautonomiac [06.HS/Diagnosis] their own personal hell! It’s hard enough just to get out of bed some days. Going through hormonal changes in your thirties, more unanswered health questions for why I’ve gained 25lbs in the past year. And now Russia is initiating what could very likely result in World War 3?

I’m exhausted.

Why bother organizing and putting everything away when you are just going to be demolishing their homes, at an unanswered time? Planning a kitchen remodel/new flooring is exhausting, but I enjoy it. I’m just struggling to find the motivation to clean up the clutter when I know my house will be -organized chaos- in hopefully >fingerscrossed:knocksonwood< short order. But with the pandemic and what Russia has just done to Ukraine, all uncertainties are even higher up in the air. Looking around and seeing all the… stuff, not only overstimulates and triggers my anxiety and overwhelms me to the point of paralyzation, it exhausts me.

I. Am. Exhausted.

Rant… 01.

Okay, so here’s the deal. This entry is completely improvised, on the spot and will not be formatted or anything special. I don’t even care if I edit it, I’m just so damn frustrated!!

Of course, now I just received an email that has me in tears so writing this will be all the more difficult… FFS!

Breathe. In slowly, out slowly. Repeat.

I was initially going to rant about how messed up health care is in America, and I will at some point, but I need to rant re: covid-19 first! As someone who is chronically ill, it’s so damaging knowing that your life literally doesn’t mean a thing to Joe Shmo on the street. It’s a total mind fk! I get it, we’re ALL tired and angry and over it. But this pandemic isn’t over! And no, I am not Naïve in thinking this virus is going anywhere. BUT! It still needs to be taken seriously, if not for yourself than for those of us who are at severe risk of complications!!

Admittedly, I am not Christian, but isn’t the whole Christian belief supposed to be about caring for others? Caring for thy neighbor? Loving and respecting one another? The only thing I have been met with is, “stay home then” as if I don’t deserve to [live] as well! Why is my life less important? To date, we have lost 942,006 human beings to Covid-19 in the U.S. alone. And yes, I know I will be met with backlash that not every death was covid related and blah blah flippin blah. I get it. I understand and agree numbers may not be 100% accurate, but isn’t one life lost enough? If you could do your part knowing that you’re doing the best you can to save someone’s life, isn’t that enough? For those who are pro-life they sure don’t act like it. They protest, “my body, my choice” but isn’t that down right hypocrisy?

It hurts. I am angry. I am sad. I am beside myself that people are so desensitized to the death toll and have completely lost their empathy!! The only way through this is together! Why is it when 9/11 happened that everyone came together in unity, but now it’s all political? I truly feel I am living in an alternate reality…

Do you know how heart breaking it is as a parent to witness the fear and anxiety their children face knowing they may potentially bring home said virus that could turn their world upside down with the loss of a parent? The guilt they already feel when nothing has even happened? It fucking sucks! Yes, I am terrified myself but I do everything in my power to assure my kids that everything is going to be okay! We are all vaccinated, we wear our masks, wash our hands, stay out of public when possible- hell, we even still wipe our groceries down! We do our part and by continuing to do so, we will prevail. <- but will we? I honestly wish I could promise them that but I won’t (can’t) make a promise I cannot keep!

What triggered this rant that took me away from venting about health care, is the fact our school district has decided to drop the mask mandate later this month that has been in place since August. My oldest, who has severe anxiety, is already saying he can’t return to school. School is and always has been his [happy place]! He is gifted and loves learning everything he can more than anything. After being home/virtual all year last year, being in the classroom has meant everything to him. But now? He’s taking on the burden of potentially bringing home something that could potentially kill me. How TF do I calm his nerves? How TF do I make him feel safe and comfortable? The answer is, I can’t… and that is more heart breaking and damaging than anything else!

I’m scared. I’ll admit it. I’m scared for myself. I’m scared for the the impact this is going to have on my children. I am scared for my parents, brother and everyone else out there who is high risk. As an empath, I genuinely, deep within my soul, simply cannot comprehend what is happening. My kids need answers that I cannot give them, as I myself need the same damn answers.

How do we legitimately live without just surviving? How do we forge forward while maintaining our mental health stability, strength and courage? Please, please someone help me understand because my own light is dimming day by day.

07. Ode to my Mentors

“To mentor is to touch a life forever.” – Unknown

The Plymouth-Canton school district was a great place for education, as long as you fit their mold. As previously mentioned, I struggled in school but the school never helped me. I didn’t qualify for any assistance with special services because while I did have a type of dyslexia and a processing disorder, my test scores were “too good”. My grades weren’t consistent with needing help. The actual words that the school social worker (or whoever it was that did the testing) said were, “Your IQ level is too high. It may be hard for you but you’ve learned a way to overcompensate and make it work.” … uh… cool.

Thankfully I had some incredible teachers and assistant principal on my side. I wasn’t always lucky, though! No, in second grade my teacher was a straight up witch but with a capital B! She was so hard on me but claimed it was because she liked me and knew my potential. Seven/eight years old is such an impressionable age that her hateful words stuck with me. I had the stress and anxiety of trying to be perfect because of what my brother told me, added to being talked down upon by my teacher, that it’s no wonder I struggled to believe in myself. It’s no wonder I am a perfectionist. It’s no wonder I never feel good enough or even see my accomplishments as something to be proud of. It’s no wonder that I stressed over every grade that I had to learn to “overcompensate”. Damn those years were tough!

It’s funny how over time things get buried so deep that you forget what caused you to be the way you are. All I know is that I cried when my son went to second grade because I knew he wasn’t going to have a negative experience like me. Although jokes on me, it was that year Covid-19 took over, but that’s for later. My son’s second grade teacher is one of the most exceptional humans that I have ever been lucky to know! The only other person I could compare her to would be my 8th grade English teacher who literally changed my life. [Laura Doran, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all that you do to help shape our younger generations into compassionate and successful humans!!! – Hugs! – ]

Since I’ve already briefly mentioned 3 horrible teachers, I’ll leave it at that. They’re not worthy of more mention. However there have been a few noteworthy instructors and I could list them all out, but I really only want to honor three in particular: Jerome Sullivan, Shelby Holcomb and Amy Trombley.

Mr. Sullivan was my middle school vice principal. He was strict and everyone hated him, except Jack and I. Thinking about it, some of my favorite teachers could be considered mean and less favorable to most. Interesting… anyway, Mister Sullivan believed in me. He saw my potential while also believing my struggles. As did my middle school chorus teacher, Mrs. Holcomb and my 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. Trombley. [Huh, I just realized they’re all from middle school, one of the worst seasons in my life.] Mr. Sullivan volunteered his time after school once a week to help me with homework. He read to me. That may not seem like much but it meant everything. He proved he cared by his actions and he didn’t stop there. Once I was in high school he insisted on helping us fight for a 504 plan that would allow me assistance. He attended all of our meetings with my counselor and other administration and vouched for me as my former vice principal. Between his help and my mom fighting like hell, I was finally able to get the assistance I diservered! That same year he took a temp VP job at another one of the three high schools and had lunch duty at mine. Every so often if he noticed me not eating he’d give me a dollar for fries and wouldn’t let me pay him back. People can say what they will but Jerry Sullivan is good people and I’m still so appreciative of him!

When Mrs. Holcomb took you under her wing, you were her student for the long haul. She had my back and really looked out for me. We kept in touch and the last time I saw her was my “high school” graduation party. When she passed her classroom aid made sure I knew so that I could pay my respects to the family and say my goodbyes. She was special to me to begin with but what I learned that day proved how special she was to everyone else, as well.

My last shoutout really deserves her own entry because a few sentences won’t do her justice. Though, I have written so many papers about her over the years that I think she’ll understand. ::wink:: Mrs. Trombley changed my life. Her help and belief in me unblocked something and I’ve never looked back. She was more than a teacher, mentor and friend – she became “Mom #2”. We were so close that some believed I was her adopted daughter. Much like my son’s teacher, Amy gives her heart to everything she does. She has a way of empowering her students to see themselves the way she does. She sees only the good, the potential and never lets you question your abilities. Having struggled in English my entire life I never would have expected to go from a C average in Language Arts to an A, and at times the best of my class! It’s embarrassing to admit but I’ll own it – it wasn’t until she introduced me to ☆🛊 (Stargirl) by Jerry Spinelli that I successfully finished reading my first chapter book. Stargirl will always hold a very dear spot in both of our hearts and the message behind the book needs to be taught to every child, making the world a better place as a result!

To this day she is still a huge part of my life and I credit her for a lot of my accomplishments. After what I went through to get there, she made sure she was in attendance at my college commencements ceremony; the only time I walked across a stage wearing a cap and gown. And has been there for all of life’s biggest moments. I cry thinking about how much love I have for this woman and the impact she has made in my life. 

Others may think I’m crazy but my biggest accomplishment in which I am truly proud of myself, didn’t happen until I was 31. I set a reading goal to read 10 books that year, knowing damn well I likely wasn’t going to achieve it. I have friends trying for 75-100+ books a year and my goal was 10. But you know what? I crushed that goal by 220%!! Not only did I read 10 books in the first 12 WEEKS of the year, I ended the year with 22 (my favorite number) by reading my new favorite book. I will forever be proud of that accomplishment more than anything else. And to think, if it wasn’t for Mrs. Trombley introducing me to Stargirl all those years ago, I may never have learned that I love reading. So what if it did take me until my 30’s, I got there and no one will rain on my parade!