Witchy Mermaid Mama

 Through it All              

About This Blog

I am who I am. I have my faults and am nowhere near perfect. I am very easy going but at the same time, complicated. I have been through a lot over the years, but I know that it has made me who I am and I am stronger today because of it.​​

That said, I believe I have a lot to offer so that others don't need to feel alone. In order for you to understand I need to start at the beginning. So while I'm not going to stop you from reading any entry you want, you may want to start at [ 01. Hello ] and go from there; everything will make a lot more sense if you do! Then, once I am more or less up to date I wont number them anymore.

Hi. My name is Jena and I've been through it all.

*🚫disclaimer - some details and names have been slightly altered and/or omitted due to respecting the privacy of others. I may be putting my truth out there but my truth doesn’t have to expose the truths of others. 

*🚫disclaimer #2 - you can tell the mood of my writing by my verbiage. Some entries may have a few… {choice words}, while others could receive a PG rating. I do apologize for any offense, but as I’ve said since the very beginning: this is me. I’m real, I’m honest, I’m Jena.